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What's an eBook

An eBook is an electronic book which can be read on a computer or via a device such as a kindle or nook or a cell phone. An eBook is like the printed version of a book, but it’s in digital format. This means that copyright rules apply to eBooks just as they do to printed books.

The eBooks available through KHS Drew Library allow you to access them anywhere in the world. So if you are at home and need information on a subject, you can use one of these books for research.

When you search our catalog and the call number begins with EBO then you know it’s an eBook which you can access online anywhere anytime.

How to access the library's nonfiction eBooks:

Call numbers which begin with EBO are our eBooks. We currently have over 300 nonfiction eBooks.

In our catalog, use the term eBook to obtain the list of all of our eBooks.

Click on the URL provided or the phrase "click here to read this eBook." If prompted for a login and password use: drewlibrary for the login and Drew!2024 for the password.

You can now read the eBook.