ELO Practices
Additional Extended Learning Opportunity Practices
ELO Practices
- Students must have parental/guardian permission to participate in an Extended Learning Opportunity. This permission will be granted through the ELO application process; the parent/ guardian must sign the plan before the student begins the program
- Extended Learning Opportunities are available to all students. Keene High School will not discriminate in admission or access to ELO programs and activities.
- All financial responsibilities for Extended Learning Opportunities that occur outside of school are the responsibility of the student and his/her parent/legal guardians.
- Students approved for off-campus Extended Learning Opportunities are responsible for their personal safety and well-being.
- Students are responsible for their own transportation for all Extended Learning Opportunities that are held off the high school campus, and students may not transport other students. Students must comply with School Board Policy regarding the use of private vehicles, and written permission is required for students using private vehicles for ELOs.
- All approved Extended Learning Opportunities will be consistent with all policies of the Board.
- All approved Extended Learning Opportunities will comply with state and federal laws pertaining to minors.
- Department of Labor requirements apply to all work-based experiences for Extended Learning Opportunity internships.