Advanced Art Studies
Advanced Art Studies - 907
1 Credit - Semester
Advanced Art Studies students will be exposed to advanced techniques in drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media and collage. Students will be encouraged to explore the artistic potential of different mediums in expressive, representational, and conceptual manners. Mediums employed include colored pencil, charcoal, pastel, pen and ink, acrylic paint, and water-based oil printing inks. The emphasis throughout the course will be on the development of the student’s personal expression, and independent thinking while solving aesthetic and practical art and design problems. Students will also focus on developing advanced art production skills. Students will work toward developing artwork appropriate for a portfolio. This course will require some time outside of the classroom researching and composing ideas.
NOTE: Advanced Art Studies is essential for students interested in pursuing art-related careers. Advanced Art Studies will use most of the same class curriculum as Advanced Art Studies Honors. Both classes will meet during the same block. Students are encouraged to talk with their art teachers to determine which class best fits their individual needs.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I and Art II or permission of the instructor.
Open to grades 11, 12.
Advanced Art Studies - Honors - 907H
1 Credit - Semester
This course is for highly motivated students with a strong interest in art. Regular home drawing assignments are required and are considered an important part of developing a quality portfolio. Students will explore advanced techniques in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, mixed media and collage. Students will focus on the artistic potential of different mediums in expressive, representational, and conceptual manners. Mediums employed include colored pencil, charcoal, pastel, pen and ink, acrylic paint, mixed media and water-based oil printing inks. The emphasis throughout the course will be on the development of the student’s personal expression, and independent thinking while solving aesthetic and practical art and design problems. Students will also focus on achieving proficient art production skills.
NOTE: Advanced Art Studies is essential for students interested in pursuing art-related careers. An art portfolio is useful in the college admissions process when pursuing fine arts, all design related fields, film, animation, engineering, architecture, art education, and scholarship opportunities.
NOTE: Advanced Art Studies Honors will use the some of the same class curriculum as Advanced Art Studies. Both classes will meet during the same block. Students are encouraged to talk with their art teachers to determine which class best fits their individual needs.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I and Art II or permission of the instructor.
Open to grades 11, 12.