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Art Two

ART II - 902

Art II gives students the opportunity to further develop their art skills and techniques. Through individual and group activities students will explore new media and techniques such as scratch-board, acrylics, portraiture, sculpture, lettering, and multi media projects. While exploring the creative process, students will solve more complex composition and design problems, participate in constructive dialogue, and demonstrate a greater awareness of his/her individual, observational, and creative skills. Students in Art II are required to spend some time outside of class developing project ideas.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I.

Open to grades 10, 11, and 12

Art Department

Sage Gould

KHS Art Department

Shannon Perry

KHS Art Department, KHS National Art Honor Society Advisor

Samuel Silegy

KHS Art Department

Joselyn Sullivan

KHS Art Department, KHS LGTBQ Club Advisor