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Cheshire Career Center Preschool

Cheshire Career Center Logo


Stop by for a visit – no need to schedule an appointment.  Please stop by the Main Office of Keene High School to sign in as a visitor in our building.

student working with children and building blocks

Hours of Operation

Tuesday and Thursday mornings
8:45 am - 11:30 am. 

Our school year runs mid-September through Memorial Day. If the Keene School District (SAU 29) cancels school due to snow, ice or any other reason, our school is canceled as well. We are also closed on Early Release Days and Delayed Opening Days.

student with young children


Tuition is $475 for the year. Tuition is not reimbursed for sick days or selected time off. If payment is paid in full you will receive a 10% discount (tuition cost - $427.50). Tuition may also be paid in two installments. In addition to the cost of tuition, there is a $75 nonrefundable supply fee for the year. This fee is due the first day of school.

student reading to children


students with children playing with mr. potato heads


Program Philosophy & Goals

Everybody is a learner. This is one of the most important phrases you’ll hear in our preschool. Learning never stops. Preschool children are busy learning through play. High school students are busy learning about possible career options. And I am busy learning how to meet the needs of all of my students, both young and old. We are very fortunate to have so many hands in our preschool. Our classroom is a laboratory preschool program. This means that high school students are beginning to learn the role of a teacher. What does this mean to you? Your children get a wonderful early childhood education. There is an abundance of nurturing and caregiving that occurs when the student to staff ratio is as wonderful as ours.
The curriculum is overseen by the preschool teacher. Many activities are implemented by our high school students. Planning, preparing, and implementing lessons are a large part of the high school students’ program. Additional enrichment lessons will be taught by the preschool teacher.
We believe in:

  • Providing a comforting place for children to grow.
  • Focusing on social growth and development.
  • Providing pre-academic activities to help children develop skills needed upon entering Kindergarten.
  • Encouraging exploration through play.
  • Fostering an environment that is stimulating for all children.
  • Utilizing positive guidance techniques when guiding children.
  • Supporting the growth of self-esteem through self-help activities and a wide variety of learning experiences.

Program Goals:

  • To maintain a safe and caring environment.
  • To offer developmentally appropriate activities that encourage independence while developing individual interests and abilities.
  • To establish positive family communications and recognize each family's uniqueness.
  • To model best practices in Early Childhood Education.

How To Reach Us:

Jennifer Antosiewicz

Careers In Education II, CCC Educators Rising Advisor, CCC Preschool Director

To Join Our Preschool

Children should turn three before September 30th, however special requests can be made if your child is at least 2 years and 9 months old by September. Please fill out our application here.