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Digital Design

CCC Digital Design

Students successfully completing the 2 course sequence listed below will be recognized as Digital Design program completers. Completers may receive up to 8 college credits from Keene State College.

Digital Design 1

Digital Design is “graphic design” for today’s digital world. You’ll be introduced to Adobe Programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, and about design theory (how to make a design “look pretty”). Example projects: logos, posters, album covers, and digital collages. Presentation of the final project takes the place of a final exam.

Digital Design 2

Students dive deeper into the skills they’ve learned in Digital Design I and learn new Adobe Programs such as Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. Students will apply their skills to more comprehensive designs and learn the basics of 2D animation, and web design. Students will participate in a series of unmanned aircraft/drone aviation workshops to learn aerial photography techniques.  Presentation of the final project takes the place of a final exam.

Information at Cheshire Career Center